06 Feb WHS Co-Sponsors Human Trafficking Awareness 2020 with Homeland Security Today
Women in Homeland Security partnered with news site Homeland Security Today for the second year to encourage collaboration, awareness, and information sharing during Human Trafficking Awareness Month 2020.  The Blue Campaign at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security spearheads this awareness campaign during January and encourages people to wear blue on January 11th, #wearblueday.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Kevin Metcalf of the 4th Judicial District of Arkansas led the effort. Metcalf is founder of the National Child Protection Task Force (NCPTF). Kevin has helped countless agencies identify and apprehend sexual predators and recover children.
Experts from around the nation — and world — contributed articles throughout January and HSToday compiles them into a collection of expertise distributed when the month is over. Â
In 2019, WHS President and Executive Editor of HSToday Kristina Tanasichuk interviewed Kevin Metcalf on his work on behalf of trafficked people.
Special thanks to all the members of WHS who participated in #wearblueday! Â Click on the image below to read the pieces from 2019 and stay tuned for those from 2020!

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