Charitable Work

As part of Women in Homeland Security’s mission to build the homeland security community, our organization supports charities that benefit the men and women serving this critical mission. Women in Homeland Security supports charitable organizations that seek to reduce, eradicate, or lessen the threat of future terrorism and/or support our domestic forces fighting against terrorism. We support these causes through two main events: an annual BBQ Cook-Off and our annual Spirit of Giving Charity Auction. To date, WHS has raised over $140,000 for charities in homeland including the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, the ICE Foundation, the Border Patrol Foundation, the Fairfax County International Search & Rescue, the Coast Guard Enlisted Memorial Foundation, and the No Greater Sacrifice Foundation.



The FBI Agents Association was founded in 1981. The mission is to advance & safeguard the careers, economic interests, conditions of employment and welfare of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agents & retired FBI Agents. The organization fulfills this mission by providing support and advocacy to more than 13,000 active and former FBI Special Agents. The services to members agents include internal advocacy within the Bureau, legal representation, legislative advocacy and financial support to members, offered through both Memorial Scholarship and Member Assistance funds.  Learn more here.


NLEOMF logoNATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS MEMORIAL FUND:  Raised $20,000.  Founded in 1984, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is dedicated to honoring and remembering the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers in the United States.  A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in Washington, DC, the Memorial Fund built and continues to maintain the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial – the nation’s monument to law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. The Memorial Fund is a principal organizer of the National Police Week observance each May and hosts a Candlelight Vigil at the Memorial each May 13th to honor all fallen officers. In addition, the Fund maintains the largest, most comprehensive database of line-of-duty officer deaths, conducts research into officer fatality trends and issues, and serves as an information clearinghouse.  More recently, the Memorial Fund has launched a campaign to build the first-ever National Law Enforcement Museum, adjacent to the Memorial in Washington, DC. The Museum will tell the story of American law enforcement through exhibits, collections, research and education.


ICE Foundation logoICE FOUNDATION:  Raised $28,000. The ICE Foundation is a non-profit organization created to honor and support the contributions of the over 20,000 Immigration & Customs Enforcement  employees in over 400 offices in the US and 46 foreign countries. We recognize the leadership and proud legacy of service to our nation by ICE and its predecessor agencies. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors who act as ambassadors in promoting the traditions of ICE and a deeper understanding of the role ICE plays in protecting our country and its citizens. The Foundation supports numerous programs and projects through donations from individuals, corporations, and special fundraising events.


border patrol foundationBORDER PATROL FOUNDATION:  Raised $28,000 For 2013, WHS supported the Border Patrol Foundation. The Border Patrol Foundation provides resources to the families of the fallen and creates awareness of the escalating risk of those who keep America’s borders safe. These services create a financial bridge through the turbulent time following a family’s loss. The Foundation supports programs improving awareness of United States border security and recognizes community leaders supporting the families of the U.S. Border Patrol. The Foundation’s volunteers have served with the U.S. Border Patrol or are professionals, friends and family committed to the importance of securing America’s borders and dedicate their lives to the same. Read more at



U.S. COAST GUARD ENLISTED MEMORIAL FOUNDATION: Raised $29,000 WHS in 2012supported the U.S. Coast Guard Memorial Enlisted Foundation, a non-profit organization founded to build a memorial for the enlisted shipmates that have died in the line of duty.  For more information on the memorial, please click here. Chair: Anne Petera, Director, Harris IT and WHS Board Member View the event album on our new smugmug hosting page!



FAIRFAX COUNTY INTERNATIONAL URBAN SEARCH & RESCUE Raised $38,000 In honor of the 10th Anniversary events of 9/11, WHS selected the Fairfax County International Urban Search & Rescue, sponsored by the Fairfax County, Virginia Fire and Rescue Department for our 2011 contribution. From their work for the citizens of Virginia, to their commitment to training and assisting teams from around the world, the USAR Team is the first to head for the most devastating disasters the world has to offer. As we reviewed different charities, with important and special missions, we felt that the Fairfax USAR team is a continued, example of our nation’s commitment to the finest response, saving lives and heroism.  WHS purchased  a Heavy Duty Material Telehandler to provide USAR mission support at their training facilities utilized by Search and Rescue personnel and K-9’s nationwide. The Fairfax County International Urban Search & Rescue resource, sponsored by the Fairfax County, Virginia Fire and Rescue Department is capable of both domestic and international disaster response.  The Task Force has extensive international (USAR Team 1) and domestic (Virginia Task Force 1) disaster response experience. It is also recognized throughout the United States and the world, as a premier leader in for the provision of training in catastrophic event mitigation, readiness, and response and recovery techniques.   The Department realizes the importance of supporting the Task Force in its mission of delivering capacity assessments, mitigation planning, and readiness training throughout the world. By assisting in the development and enhancement of other search and rescue resources, the Task Force lessens the probability and necessity of it being deployed. The Task Force began its humanitarian response relationship with the US Agency for International Development – Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID-OFDA) in 1986 following a tragic 1985 seismic event in Mexico City. Realizing the void of qualified search and rescue resources in the Americas Region, USAID-OFDA joined in a strategic partnership with Fairfax County and the Miami-Dade Fire and Rescue Departments to develop a self-sustainable response resource. Its first deployment was to the former Soviet Armenia in 1988 in the aftermath of a large earthquake. As the threats related to the Cold War began to diminish in the early 1990’s, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) transitioned its strategic planning initiatives from those of Civil Defense to concepts similar to those begun by USAID-OFDA; domestic mitigation, response, and recovery. When FEMA announced plans to develop a domestic National US&R Response System, Fairfax County was one of the original respondents. Accepted into the domestic system in 1991, the resource was then deemed “operational” by both FEMA and USAID-OFDA. The Task Force is proud to be one of only 28 domestic resources qualified by FEMA to assist with Homeland Security, and one of two resources utilized by USAID-OFDA for international response. In total, there are approximately 200 trained and equipped-members on the Task Force. When activated, the Task Force is comprised of 70 persons that consists of firefighters and paramedics from the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department (both career and volunteer) and highly trained civilians including physicians, canine handlers, structural engineers, communications experts and heavy rigging specialists. When activated by either federal partner, all related expenses are fully reimbursed by either, resulting in no cost to the citizens of Fairfax County, Virginia.  Task Force members are required to attend functional training on a monthly basis to maintain their skills, often without compensation. The members agree that this is a small personal cost and well-worth the investment of being a part of this talented response resource. The Task Force conducts two “Full Team” exercise (one classroom and the other a 72-hour field exercise) each year. Since 1986, Task Force members have been at the forefront in assisting in the development of response systems both domestically and internationally. This assistance and support, supplied to USAID-OFDA, the United Nations (UN), and FEMA, continues today to ensure that the world’s first responder community remains prepared for its arduous duty. The Task Force realizes that it takes many partnerships to ensure a successful venture. It speaks often of its relationship with USAID-OFDA and FEMA, as well as its evolving initiatives with the UN. The members fully realize that the most important partnerships are with their families and their co-workers. Deployed without warning, often in the dark of night, the members need to be ensured that they and their family can accept the restrictions of a 14-day mission, often without communications home. The members also realize the importance of their co-workers, who will be required to work extra shifts while the Task Force is away. The Task Force could not be successful without this strong support and assistance.


NGS logoNO GREATER SACRIFICE FOUNDATION Raised: $18,000 NGS Vision Honoring the sacrifices of our Service members by investing in their children’s capacity for greatness through education. Learn more at NGS Mission NGS is dedicated to children of our nation’s fallen and wounded Service members by delivering scholarships and resources to improve their quality of life through the pursuit of higher education.