Author: Kristina Tanasichuk

Government Technology & Services Coalition Roundtable with U.S. Customs & Border Patrol October 28 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. featuring Keynote Sharie Bourbeau Assistant Commissioner and Principal Executive for Program Development, CBP Roundtable Participants Robert Edward Brown Director, Business Operations Division, OTIA Valerie Isbell Executive Director, Passenger Systems Program Office Linda Jacksta Executive Director, Cargo Sytems Program Office Colleen...

Members can visit a virtual tour of the national security cutter CGC Stratton before our event on November 3. Click here for a virtual tour that explores the cutter and explains its operations. ...

Join us for a star-studded line-up discussing the next wave of cyber security awareness challenges. CIO Executive Roundtable: With Budget Cuts and Increased Missions How Will We do it All? REGISTER NOW Schedule: Moderated Roundtable 9:00 am - 10:30 am Sandra Peavy CIO | Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) |...

The Next Wave: On the Hunt For America's al qaeda's Recruits by Catherine Herridge, FOX News Correspondent TERROR WALKS AMONG US. Born here, raised here, plotting here, the terrorists of al Qaeda 2.0 aim to kill Americans. And our government helps. Who are the recruits for...

Highlight Technologies is helping to modernize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Intelligence and Decision Support (IIDS) System Enterprise Data Warehouse. In support of prime contractor Northrop Grumman, Highlight enhances and maintains the data model, develops reports and helps...

In cooperation with Final Salute, the premier organization in support of homeless female veterans, WHS has become a "Big Sister" organization to support homeless veteran Desiree Curtis. WHS has paid for her temporary lodging until she can receive assistance from the Veterans Administration. ...

November 30, 2011 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Location TBD Executive Director, Information Sharing Environment Applied Technology, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Department of Homeland Security Ms. Roy joined DHS in December of 2006 and currently serves as the CIO’s Executive for Information Sharing. She is actively engaged...

FAMILY BBQ EXTRAVAGANZA “Building the Homeland Security Community” Proceeds benefitting the USCG MWR Fund. Featuring Crazy Good BBQ provided by There Firefighters and a Pig * Capture the Flag * GameTruck * The Mansion Moon Bounce * Raffle Red Hot Rhythm & Blues from Big as A...