
Leadership Series: Weathering Turbulent Seas Part I: Leading Oneself in Times of Disruption by former Admiral Sandra Stosz, U.S. Coast Guard Author, Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters Admiral Stosz pens a column at Homeland Security Today and has started a series to discuss leadership...

Join us for WHS's Leadership luncheon to discuss TSA's mission around vetting programs with Brenna Murphy, the director of Vetting Programs at the Enrollment Services and Vetting programs (ESVP), Transportation Security Administration. Brenna Murphy serves as the Director of the Vetting Programs Division (VPD) within Enrollment...

Naveen Khan, a nonresident research fellow with the Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies at the University of Akron, Ohio took to Homeland Security Today to respond to the recently released audio message by the emir of the Afghan Taliban movement, Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada. Notwithstanding efforts...

WHS member and Homeland Security Today columnist Anne Speckhard has released her latest book, Homegrown Hate, Inside the Minds of Domestic Violent Extremists. Anne on why she talks to terrorists: "I have crisscrossed the globe for the past 20 years studying the international enemy, interviewing more than...

Women in Homeland Security is very pleased to announce that U.S. Fire Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell will join us for Women's History Month.  Learn more about the even here. [caption id="attachment_1468" align="alignleft" width="325"] Dr. Lori Moore-MerrellU.S. Fire Administrator[/caption] Lori is considered an expert in executive leadership, emergency...