14 Mar May 19: Marcy Forman, Managing Director, Citi; former Director ICE Office of Investigation
Join us for a fascinating discussion with Marcy Forman, Managing Director of the Global Investigations Unit at Citi.  Ms. Forman has over 30 years of Federal Law Enforcement experience, and brings a wealth of anti-money laundering and trade fraud expertise to Citigroup, Prior to Citi, Ms. Forman served as the Independent Court Monitor for the Western Union and State of Arizona judicial settlement.  Among her significant positions, Ms. Forman served for approximately five years as the Director, Office of Investigations, ICE. In this capacity, Ms. Forman oversaw the largest investigative arm for DHS, with over 8,000 employees; to include over 6,200 Special Agents and administered a budget of more than $1.6 billion.  Join us to hear more about both public and private sector efforts to protect networks, prevent terrorist financing, and protect the U.S. financial system.
Marcy Forman
Managing Director
Global Investigations Unit
MAY 19, 2015
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