25 Jan WHS Recognizes Human Trafficking Month
WHS hosted its third Human Trafficking Awareness event in January with over 80 members joining us to discuss this critical topic and raise awareness of its money forms.  The event featured author Helon Habila who wrote The Chibok Girls – interviews and follow up to the kidnapping of 214 school girls in Nigeria by the terrorist group Boko Haram.

WHS members wrote messages of hope on the WHS Golden Door to Freedom, an interactive art project meant to raise awareness and bring hope to human trafficking victims.
Participants enjoyed lunch, and finalized the WHS Golden Door to Freedom, generously donated by Artworks for Freedom, with wishes and messages to the victims of human trafficking. Â Kalyna White, WHS STEM Ambassador to the Board of directors Chaired the event with co-chairs and WHS board members Traci Lembke, EY and Kara Sidener, FBI. Â Politics and Prose supported the event by securing Mr. Habila’s keynote and book signing.

Event Chair Kalyna White with author Helon Habila at the 2017 WHS Human Trafficking Awareness event
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