03 Mar WHS STEM Youth Ambassador Selected for Congress of the Future Science & Technology Leaders
Washington, D.C. March 3 — Women in Homeland Security’s Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Youth Ambassador to the Board of Directors, Kalyna White, was selected to represent the Madeira School and the Commonwealth of Virginia at the Congress of the Future Science & Technology Leaders in Boston, MA.
The Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders is a highly selective national program honoring academically superior high school students dedicated to careers in STEM. Ms. White was recognized “because of [her] outstanding grades, [her[ leadership potential and [her] desire to contribute to the field of science or technology.â€
“We are extremely pleased that Kalyna is being recognized in this way – she has been a tremendous asset to the STEM initiative – helping us recruit other ambassadors, connecting new schools, and letting us know what the ‘really’ cool STEM is from a students’ perspective.,†said Lori Gordon, Director, WHS STEM Initiative an Senior Associate, HWC.
In addition, Ms. White has served as the WHS Youth STEM Ambassador to the Board for four years, assisting to coordinate the non-profit’s STEM activities, organize field trips, develop conference materials for STEM outreach, enlist other students in the WHS STEM initiative, and represent the program at conferences and events. She also developed a Go Fund Me Campaign to help buy pizza and transportation for students from economically disadvantaged schools (https://www.gofundme.com/KalynaWhiteSTEM).
WHS founded its STEM initiative in 2011 with a field trip to the U.S. Secret Service Forensic Labs. The initiative focuses on bringing students in middle and upper school to public and private sector STEM field trips in homeland and national security. Dubbed “the coolest STEM out there†WHS strives to connect students with meaningful public service careers tied to securing our nation. More information is available at: www.WHSSTEM.com and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WHSScienceTechnologyEngineeringMath/
Women in Homeland Security, founded in 2009, has grown to over 4500 public and private sector members and focuses on collaboration, understanding cross disciplinary missions, and supporting the nation’s homeland security mission through monthly events, Book Club, charitable work, STEM initiatives and mentoring.  For more information visit www.WomeninHomelandSecurity.com.
WHS is a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in March 2009. The group has grown to nearly 4500 public and private sector members. The Mission of Women in Homeland Security is to build the homeland security community. For more information please visit www.WomeninHomelandSecurity.com.
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