February 2011

DHS Risk Lexicon  (click pic to read) The DHS Risk Lexicon makes available a common, unambiguous set of official terms and definitions to ease and improve the communication of risk-related issues for DHS and its partners. It facilitates the clear exchange of structured and unstructured data that...

In the years after 9/11, officials scrambled to rethink security at the border and in the air-while privacy groups and foreign governments did their best to stop and then roll back security measures. As a result, we have only partially closed gaping security holes. Worse,...

Anyone who had any question that WHS is a special organization just had to attend our January events.  WHS members, their daughters and their families attended our "What to Wear" fashion show featuring executive dress wear from Lord & Taylor and Jenessa Hoffman, President of...

Thanks again to Nancy Peters of CACI who graciously supported WHS As a Silver sponsor and came through with a room to host our February lunch.  Again and again Nancy proves herself and Outstanding Leader of WHS! ...

Congratulations to our 2010 Stars! WHS recognized the outstanding leaders, members and supporters who in 2010  supported us through their time, resources and participation and helped us grow this organization to the largest and most active representing women working in our field. Please take a moment to...